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The general objectives of the project can be structured, in categories of results:

- the processing of new unitary methods, of the damaging forms mapping;
- the creation of a georeferenced data base of soil damage;
- the elaboration of ecological improvement using as a decisional base the data base

In order to accomplish the general objectives, the specific objectives are recommended:

1. The elaboration of a new methodology applicable to the mapping of the damaged soils by means of remote sensing, designing the working/studying method in the established target areas by analyzing the situation on the field;
2. The mapping of the damaging types from the target areas based on the interactive photo interpreting keys done by types of damaging present in the target areas from the color orthorectified plans;
3. The expanding of the working model at the study area level (Suceava Plateau), creating the GIS data base of the erosion types;
4. The analysis of the damaged terrains identification and mapping possibilities using high spatial resolution satellite images and basic plans 1:5000;
5. The study of the met damage forms evolution within some representative areas, for which there have been bought satellite images and datum plans;
6. The elaboration of technical working solutions within the ecological improvement of the damaged soils;
7. The organizing of workshops with specific thematic related to the project, in order to consult the implicit and potential beneficiaries on one hand and the technical-scientific results dissemination on the other hand.