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Cercetare > Laboratorul de Procese Biologice Fundamentale

Fundamental Biological Processes Laboratory - Direction 3

Physical and chemical methods in seed germination stimulation (nuclear radiations, ultrasounds, electromagnetic field and heavy metal ions)

Research team: Liviu FĂRTĂIȘ, Marian-Ioan RÎȘCA, Ciprian PALAGHIANU, Petru ȘTIUCĂ

Some physical agents influence the germination of the seeds as well as  the growth of plants. In this respect we considered very useful to initiate studies to find the level of the interaction between vegetal structure (seeds and plantlets) and nuclear radiations or ultrasounds and magnetic fields.

We applied irradiations derived from 1 and 2 sources 241Am (T1/2 = 432,7±0,5 years) in metallic capsules.
After the germination of the Norway spruce seeds (21 days), in Petri boxes, on filtering paper wetted with distilled water in Growth chamber CONVIRON CMP-4030 at 21°C, the germination capacity and the elongation of hypocotyls in Norway spruce seeds sample subjected to treatment with Gamma radiations (Am 241 during 3 hours) has registered an increasing related to blank and other seed samples.

EM field generator Growth chamber Conviron G-30, controller unit CMP-4030

On the other hand, the content of free amino-acids was, without exception, increased in irradiated plants related to the blank sample, which indicate a higher level of irradiated plants metabolism. The effects of the ultrasounds treatment in Norway spruce seeds germination (with frequency between 16 kHz and 1MHz, intensities between 0,5 and 2 W/cm2 and time exposure between 0,5 and 5 min.) were multiples and complexes, showing stimulating as well as inhibiting effects. The most significant results indicate a stimulating effect in roots growth (over 27%) and germination capacity (20%), at 1 MHz frequency.

In conclusion, the nuclear radiation and ultrasounds could represent very useful instruments, establishing first optimal parameters of these physical agents.

Norway spruce seeds and plantlets irradiated with ultrasounds
(5 irradiated seeds samples, M-blank seeds sample)


1. Fărtăiș, L., Avramiuc, M., Rîșca M., 2005 - The influence of the electromagnetic field on mitosis and catalase activity in maize caryopses with different viabilities and ages. An. Univ. "Al.I.Cuza" Iași Genet.și Biol.molec., tom V, ISSN 1582-3571, pg.189-192.
2. Fărtăiș, L., Ana Leahu, Rîșca, M., 2006 - The impact of the treatment with nuclear radiations on the norway spruce seeds germination. Cytogenetic effects. An. Șt. Univ. "Al.I.Cuza" Iași Genet.și Biol.molec., tom VII, fasc.1,ISSN 1582-3571, pg. 61-65.
3. Rîșca, M., Fărtăiș, L., Știucă, P., 2007 - Ultrasounds effects contributions on the norway spruce seeds germination. An. Șt. Univ. "Al.I.Cuza" Iași Genet.și Biol.molec., tom VIII, fasc.1, ISSN 1582-3571, pg. 87-88.
4. Rîșca, M., Fărtăiș, L., Ana Leahu, 2008 - The influence of the Mn2+ ions effects on the wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seed germination. An.Șt.Univ. "Al.I.Cuza" Iași, Biol. Veg., vol.LIV, ISSN 1223-6578, 50-53 .
5. Rîșca, M., Fărtăiș, L, 2009 - The influence of the ultrasound treatment on the Norway spruce (Picea abies(L.)Karsten) seed germination. Rev. Cerc.Agron.în Moldova, Iași, vol. XLII, nr. 4, ISSN 0379-5837, pg. 43-47.

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