Title: BiomasS - Social sustainability and acceptability of biomass production and utilization in North-Eastern Romania (Sustenabilitatea și acceptabilitatea socială a sistemului de producție și utilizare al biomasei lemnoase în Nord-Estul României)
Acronym: BioMasS
Contract number: PNII-RU-TE-2014-4-0017, Contract 286/1.10.2015
Financing: This project is financed from the state budget.
The name of the Programme from PN II: Research Projects for stimulating the forming of young and independent research teams.
Budget:122.945 euro (549.562 lei)
Project duration: 24 months (1.10.2015-30.09.2017)
Contracting authority: Executive Unit for Financing Higher Education, of the Research, Development and Innovation
Contact Person of Contracting Authority:
Daniela Mihaela Mihai – UEFISCDI, Bucuresti, str.Mendeleev, nr. 21-25, sector1, tel. 021/3080 562, fax. 021/31159 92, e-mail: daniela.mihai@uefiscdi.ro
Contractor: Ștefan cel Mare University of Suceava (www.usv.ro)
Contact person for Contractor:
Laura Bouriaud
Str. Universitatii, 13, 720229 Suceava
Tel. + 40741101174