Aspecte privind variatia raspunsului unor comunitati vegetale la actiunea perturbarilor naturale si antropice
Maciuca, A.
Aspects regarding the variation of vegetal communities' responses
to natural and anthropogenic disturbance
The response of different vegetal communities after the impact of natural and
anthropogenic disturbances is influenced by a series of factors like the extent, the
characteristics and the moment in time when the disturbance took place, the
complex of abiotic conditions and the past evolution of the vegetal communities. A
hierarchy of the analyzed communities can be established regarding the structure,
composition and species diversity. The most complex and diversified vegetal
community is the one from u.a. 4B Rasca, affected by the disturbance in 1999,
after a previous anthropogenic cut and heaving the most favorable abiotic
conditions; next is the community from u.a. 2D Gura Humorului where a clear-cut
was applied in 2002 and the most simple and uniform community is the one from
u.a. 44C Garcina situated in difficult abiotic conditions and affected by a large
scale wind throw in 2004.